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Rules and Procedures for Organizing Product ‎Introduction Exhibitions in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Required Documents

1- A copy of venue reservation. "where the event will be held".

2- Proof for "Product Agency" or "Product Ownership".

3- Duration for making decision on the request (5 Days). The request must be submitted at least seven (7 days) prior to the event date.

4- link for Services Charge (Important Circular).

Chapter One: Introduction

Article 1: Definitions

The following words and expressions, wherever mentioned herein, shall have the meanings assigned thereto unless the context indicates otherwise:

  1. KSA: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  2. SECB: Saudi Exhibition and Convention Bureau
  3. Organizer: Private Sector Companies and Institutions
  4. Competent Authorities: Relative Authorities
  5. Product Introduction Exhibition: Business event organized by a commercial institution or company to introduce a product or service, or launching a new product or service. Direct sale is prohibited, and the event may include organizing an accompanying specialized workshops.
  6. Exhibits: Products and services exhibited in the product introduction exhibition.


Article 2: Scope of Rules and Procedures

All product introduction exhibitions held in KSA shall be subject to these rules and procedures, except for (Graphic Art, Photo Gallery), which are subject to the procedures set out by Royal Order No. (5186) dated 15/4/1426 AH, and the Circular of Ministry of Interior No. (164530) of 18/9/1436 AH.

Chapter Two: Rules for Organizing Product Introduction Exhibitions

Article 3: General Conditions

  1. 1- Organizing product introduction exhibitions in KSA, which fall within SECB jurisdiction, shall be prohibited without SECB licensing.
  2. 2- Product introduction exhibitions shall be organized and operated in compliance with general regulations and applicable instructions of KSA.
  3. 3- There shall be no slurring of state symbols or policies; no discussion of any subjects related to policy, security, tribes or religion that may cause public distress or agitation; or lead to disturbance public order.
  4. 4- The SECB Supervisory Committee shall determine the fees of the services related to the product introduction exhibitions and shall be reviewed periodically. 
  5. 5- The product introduction exhibition shall be titled with the name of the product, service or institution organizing the exhibition. It shall comply with Arabic language and public decency, taking into consideration all intellectual rights according to the applicable regulations.
  6. 6- Prior to receiving the SECB license, all promotional activities for the product introduction exhibition are prohibited, including advertising in all forms. 
  7. 7- Product introduction exhibition's initial approval or license shall not be assigned or sub-licensed to third parties. Subcontracting agreements may be concluded with other institutions to provide supply or market services to product introduction exhibition.
  8. 8- SECB shall hold no moral or financial liability in case the organizer fails to implement the rules and procedures of product introduction exhibitions.

Article 4: Duration and Venue

  1. 1- Duration shall not exceed five days.
  2. 2- Organizing product introduction exhibitions shall be restrict to licensed exhibition halls and hotel halls, malls and event halls registered in SECB portal.
  3. 3- Venue management shall only host product introduction exhibitions licensed by SECB. The SECB license shall be stated as a prerequisite in the leasing contracts between the venue and organizers.


Article 5: Exhibitors, Exhibits and Accompanying Events

  1. 1- The product introduction exhibition shall be specialized for the products or services of one facility and shall be limited to its representatives.
  2. 2- Direct sale is prohibited during product introduction exhibition. 
  3. 3- Exhibiting counterfeit goods, equipment, devices and machines that do not meet Saudi specifications and standards shall be strictly forbidden.
  4. 4- Necessary approvals shall be obtained from the competent authorities, in case of any withdrawals, or additions of competitions, cultural or entertainment events.
  5. 5- Food and drinks may be served in allocated areas by restaurants licensed by relative authorities and according to the approved standards.
  6. 6- Workshops accompanying the product introduction exhibition may be held, provided they obtain SECB license prior to the exhibition according to SECB rules and procedures.
  7. 7- Products exhibited shall meet documents and conditions from competent authorities, according to the following table:
NameExhibits Type

Ministry of Commerce and Investment

Commercial agencies

Precious metals and stones

Saudi Arabia Ministry of HousingReal estate, products and residential projects
Saudi Intellectual Property AuthorityIntellectual property rights
Saudi Food and Drug AuthorityFood, medicine, and medical and therapeutic equipment of all kinds
Saudi CustomsExhibits entry and exit through customs outlets.



Article 6: Product Introduction Exhibition Management

  1. 1- The rules and regulations of the Ministry of Labour and Social Development shall be observed in product introduction exhibition.
  2. 2- All employees, exhibitors and visitors participating in the product introduction exhibition shall wear ID cards indicating their names, jobs and affiliates.
  3. 3- Participants and visitors shall conform to suitable dress code not in violation of religious values and local traditions.
  4. 4- Provide a first aid room and a paramedic during product introduction exhibition work hours, whenever the number of attendance exceeds 200 persons. 
  5. 5- Smoking is strictly prohibited within all the product introduction exhibition facilities. Visible "No Smoking" signs shall be placed and a smoking area shall be allocated outside the product introduction exhibition.
  6. 6- Allocate two prayer areas for males and females. Prayer calls shall be announced at the product introduction exhibition.
  7. 7- Souvenirs distributed in the product introduction exhibition shall be Saudi handicraft products.
  8. 8- SECB logo and license number shall be placed on all advertising and promotional materials of the product introduction exhibition.


Article 7: Ending and Evaluating the Product Introduction Exhibition

The organizer is obligated to end the product introduction exhibition at the time stated on the license, and submit a report to SECB within one month of the end date. This report shall be used for research purposes and SECB shall not publish such a report, which includes the following:

  1. 1- Actual opening and end dates.
  2. 2- Total area of the product introduction exhibition.
  3. 3- Number of individuals who participated in organizing the product introduction exhibition.
  4. 4- Total number of exhibitors participating in the pavilions of the product introduction exhibition.
  5. 5- Total number of visitors from inside and outside KSA and their evaluation.
  6. 6- Photos of the product introduction exhibition and a summary of all media coverage.
  7. 7- General information on the achieved results. 

Chapter Three: Licensing Procedures for Product Introduction Exhibitions

Article 8: Conditions for Issuing Product Introduction Exhibitions Licenses

  1. 1- All product introduction exhibition-licensing procedures shall be completed through the SECB portal ( at the E-Services section.
  2. 2- The Organizer shall not have notes from SECB or competent authorities hindering the commercial activity at the time of applying or organizing the product introduction exhibition.
  3. 3- A product agency, proof of ownership or agreement is required upon submitting the application.
  4. 4- The organizer shall not have any financial obligations by the SECB regulations.
  5. 5- The product introduction exhibition licensing fees set by SECB Supervisory Committee shall be paid upon the issuance of the initial approval.
  6. 6- The name or content of the product introduction exhibition shall not be changed after obtaining the license. In such cases, a new application is required.
  7. 7- Obtaining license for product introduction exhibition does not relieve the organizer of any liability, legal or judicial prosecution related to the rights of others, if submitted by other third party/parties from inside or outside KSA before, during or after the product introduction exhibition.


Article 9: Licensing Procedures for Product Introduction Exhibition

1- The license for product introduction exhibition shall be submitted through the SECB portal at least (7) days prior to the event.

2- The organizer shall "Register" and "Update User Profile" on the SECB portal (, and then select "Licensing Product Introduction Exhibition" from the "E-Services" drop list and fill the application.

3- The following documents shall be attached with the application:

  • * A copy of the venue's initial booking confirmation.
  • * A document confirming the product or service regularity and its compatibility with the commercial, industrial and customs regulations applicable in KSA. 

4- When license requirements are fulfilled, SECB shall send a message confirming receipt.

5- The SECB shall review the application and respond to the organizer within (5) days with approval, rejection or conditional approval.

6- If SECB approves the application, the organizer shall pay the service fees of the license. 

7- SECB shall issue the license and send the original copy to the organizer via registered email or via account on SECB portal.

8- SECB shall provide all competent authorities with a copy of the license for arranging, supervising, monitoring and observing any irregularities occurring during product introduction exhibition, each within their field of competence.


Article 10: Procedures of Modifying Duration or Venue

  1. 1- In case of cancellation or modification of date or venue, the organizer shall notify SECB through its portal at least (5) days prior to the event. Organizer shall clarify the reasons of such modification or cancellation and acquire SECB approval thereof.
  2. 2- Organizer shall pay the service fees for such modifications.


Chapter Four: Penalties

Article 11: Penalties

Without prejudice to any more severe penalties, anyone who violates the provisions of Chapter Two of these rules and/or any provisions contained in this Document shall be punished by the following:

  1. 1- If the violation is committed for the first time, SECB shall issue a written warning to the organizer requesting amendments during the product introduction exhibition. Organizer shall sign a pledge not to repeat the violation in the future.
  2. 2- If the violation is committed for the second time after receiving a written warning, the organizer shall be banned from organizing conferences and exhibitions for three months. If the organizer has received an initial approval or license for organizing product introduction exhibitions within the suspension period, they shall be canceled or postponed to after the suspension period.
  3. 3- If the violation is committed for the third time after receiving a written warning, the organizer shall be banned from organizing conferences and exhibitions for six months. If the organizer has received an initial approval or license for organizing product introduction exhibitions within the suspension period, they shall be canceled.
  4. 4- If the organizer did not submit a report to the SECB, the organizer's account will be suspended for three months if the violation is committed for the first time. The penalty is doubled to six months if it is repeated for the second time.


Article 12: Penalty and Appeal

  1. 1- SECB shall recommend a penalty to the Chair of SECB Supervisory Committee for approval.
  2. 2- The violating organizer may appeal before the Chair of SECB Supervisory Committee within (15) days of notification date. SECB shall review the appeal and inform the organizer within (30) days.

3- If the appeal is rejected or the organizer is not informed, the violating organizer may file a claim before courts of jurisdiction in accordance with the regulations.


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